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General InterestWed, 8 Jan 25WILL RAWLING ‘’A Year in the Life of a Hill Farmer’’ 2pm
ScienceMon, 20 Jan 25"Are You a Curry Ninja?"
Let's Talk/DiscussTue, 21 Jan 25Let’s Talk Discussion Group - current affairs 2pm
Music AppreciationTue, 21 Jan 25‘The Music of Robert Burns’ - Rosehill Theatre Bar 10.30am
General InterestWed, 22 Jan 25ROS DOWNING “A Pictorial Journey Through Cumbrian History” 2pm
Sunday LunchSun, 26 Jan 25CHASE HOTEL, Whitehaven. 12 for 12.30pm
General InterestWed, 5 Feb 25JANE LASKEY “ the Reimagining Roman Maryport project: the future of the Senhouse Roman Museum”
Art AppreciationMon, 10 Feb 25Life and work of VAN GOUGH 10.30am
General InterestWed, 19 Feb 25AGM followed by ‘coffee and cake’ 2pm
Sunday LunchSun, 23 Feb 25WHITEHAVEN GOLF CLUB 12 for 12.30pm
General InterestWed, 5 Mar 25JENNY GARBE “Rewilding project at Walkmill by West Cumbria Rivers Trust” 2pm
Art AppreciationMon, 10 Mar 25THE ARTS AND CRAFTS MOVEMENT 10.30am
General InterestWed, 19 Mar 25IAN JACKSON “Rocks at the Edge of the Empire” 2pm
Sunday LunchSun, 30 Mar 25BRIERY HOTEL, Stainburn 12 for 12.30pm
General InterestWed, 2 Apr 25BECKS SKINNER “Wool Stories - History of the wool Industry” 2pm
Art AppreciationMon, 14 Apr 25Proposed visit to BLACKWELL HOUSE Windermere - details TBC
Sunday LunchSun, 27 Apr 25SEACOTE HOTEL, St Bees 12 for 12.30pm
Sunday LunchSun, 18 May 25HUNDAY MANOR HOTEL, Winscales 12 for 12.30pm