Gardening Club
The next event is still to be arranged, we will post details as soon as possible
Many of our U3A members have lots of experience and expertise in gardening. We would like people to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for gardening.
We intend to meet each month in the summer and every two months in the Winter.
There may be occasions where the activity or the weather may mean a change of day/date.
The aim is to ask members to take a turn in organising a meeting.
We want to involve everyone and would like to avoid one or two people having to take on the club leadership.
If we incur costs e.g. to hire a venue or pay for a speaker we would split the costs between members.
We would have to pay this in advance of the meeting.
Meetings will vary depending on the interests of members and I’m sure people will have lots of ideas.
VISITS: a members own garden, Public gardens, National Garden Scheme gardens, garden centres, local plant sales and perhaps a wildflower walk.
TALKS & DEMONSTRATIONS: either by a member or an invited speaker.
VIDEO PRESENTATIONS: there are lots available online on a variety of subjects and techniques.
PLANT & SEED SWAPS: I’m sure we all have excess plants or seeds.
Please let us know if you have any ideas.
Also If you are interested in attending please let us know 07851 482822