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Group Information

Art Appreciation

Monthly Meetings will be held at the Hensingham Methodist Church hall from 10.30am - 12.30pm
Normally the group will meet on the 2nd Monday of the month, with the odd exception.
Group leader: Maureen Monkhouse with Lyn Baker

Monday 12th February: Maureen Monkhouse ‘’The Famous Paintings of the Renaissance’’
Monday 11th March: Maureen Monkhouse ‘’Paintings of the Northern Renaissance’’
Monday 8th April: Maureen Monkhouse ‘’Masters of the Baroque’’

PLEASE BOOK & PAY IN ADVANCE with Maureen Monkhouse or Lyn Baker
The cost for all three sessions is normally £10 to cover costs including venue hire and refreshments.

Meetings will restart in October when Maureen Monkhouse will give presentations on:

Monday 14th October: The Pre Raphaelites part 1
Monday 11th November: The Pre Raphaelites part 2

Monday 9th December: The Christmas Story told through Masterpieces
To be followed by lunch at The Peddler at 1pm please book with Maureen

We also hope to arrange further trips to Museums or Art Galleries.

Phone: 01946 62635